The Fascination Of "BONSAI"
Bonsai is a traditional Japanese art where one grows miniature trees in pots, pruning it carefully that every aspect is shaped, and yet seems natural. People appreciate the pruned piece as well as the process of shaping.
Bonsai's beauty lies in its power. Within the small pot, the bonsai expresses the grand story of nature. It reflects the changing seasons, and calms one's feelings as well as create a sense of comfort. Never are there bonsai that are two of a kind. Each piece is always unique, and never stays the same. This ever changing nature fascinates its fans.
japanese bonsai © TOKI
An Art With A History Of Over 2000 Years
It is said that the origins of bonsai was born in China around 2500 years ago. It was called "bonkei" and was popular among ancient Chinese aristocrats. "Bonkei" was first introduced to Japan around 1200 years ago. Influenced by Zen Buddhism and Japanese aesthetics, it developed into an original Japanese art form "bonsai" during the Kamakura period (1185-1333). (Despite the limited landscapes available in Japan compared to China, the techniques and materials brought into Japan were developed immesly.) Zen Buddhism reconizes beauty that is found in severe (harsh? restricted?) conditions. This concept complements the art of bonsai; one miniature tree expresses a whole landscape, even the entire space at times.
"Japanese bonsai: shaping and appreciating of a miniature representation of (a variety of) landscapes found in nature, concentrated into a single pot."
An art with a history of over 2000 years
It is said that the origins of bonsai was born in China around 2500 years ago. It was called "bonkei" and was popular among ancient Chinese aristocrats. "Bonkei" was first introduced to Japan around 1200 years ago. Influenced by Zen Buddhism and Japanese aesthetics, it developed into an original Japanese art form "bonsai" during the Kamakura period (1185-1333). (Despite the limited landscapes available in Japan compared to China, the techniques and materials brought into Japan were developed immesly.) Zen Buddhism reconizes beauty that is found in severe (harsh? restricted?) conditions. This concept complements the art of bonsai; one miniature tree expresses a whole landscape, even the entire space at times.
"Japanese bonsai: shaping and appreciating of a miniature representation of (a variety of) landscapes found in nature, concentrated into a single pot."
"BONSAI "now a global term
Bonsai was first introduced to the world at the Vienna World Fair in 1873. Being the first
world fair for the Japanese government to officialy partake, this enhanced the popularity of Japonism and Japanese culture. Additionally a thousand bonsai pieces were exhibited at the Osaka World Fair in 1970, and bonsai gained recognition in the world. Today "BONSAI" has become a internationally recognized term, and one of the symbols(representatives?) of Japanese culture along with other arts such as Ukiyo-e (and...?). Its popularity has grown so much that bonsai organiations can be found around the world, and world conventions are held.
About the experience
We invite you........
Recommended For
- Those who have a interest in traditional Japanese culture and art
- Those who would like to learn about the Japan's unique concept of beauty
- Those who have a interest in gardening and architecture
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